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Proud parents - Four years after graduation from SVHS.  

Taking an Exam

Gary is the chairman of the Council for Children at the Children's Advocacy Institute at the University of San Diego School of Law.  CAI's mission has been and always will be to advocate for the rights of children - including the right to a quality education.

A former Chairman of the Board of Legal Services for Children which provides guidance for children who need such things as guardianships or special education.

Gary has volunteered hundreds of hours at our schools coaching boys and girls in volleyball, soccer, mock trial and "cookie court."  He is currently the assistant coach for his daughter, Mikayla, who is the head volleyball coach at SVHS.

Experienced in education law including special education and school discipline.  Gary has a BA from UCSC, an MA from Fresno State and a Juris Doctorate from UC Law, San Francisco.

As the husband of a long time teacher in the district, Gary has unique insight into our schools and their ongoing needs.

Other interests:  mountain biking, reading, losing at poker to his friends (you know who you are!), bocce, traveling with his wife, woodworking, helping his wife and daughter grow flowers - especially dahlias. 

The years spent in school can either be a time of wonder and fulfillment or a time of fear and anxiety.  It is our duty as adults to assure that no child faces harassment and bullying.  To aid in a sense of wonderment, we need to be able to recruit and retain high quality teachers.  To do this, we must find a way to increase pay so those who teach here can also live here.


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